// This is the listener that will receive the post message from BB8. window.addEventListener("message", function (e) { // We verify that the error message is coming from Piano, so it must be what we're looking for. if (typeof e.data.piano != 'undefined') { var result = e.data.piano; if (!result.success) { jQuery('#error-message-wrapper').show(); jQuery('#error-message').text(result.message); } if (result.success) { jQuery('.invoice-form-thank-you').show(); jQuery('#error-message').hide(); jQuery('.invoice-footer').hide(); jQuery('.invoice-form-wrapper').hide(); } if (jQuery('div.checkout #waitParent').length > 0) { jQuery('div.checkout #waitParent').remove(); } } if (typeof e.data.pianoLoader != 'undefined' && jQuery('div.checkout #waitParent').length == 0) { let waitPanel = jQuery(document.createElement('div')).attr('id', 'waitPanel').text('Loading...'); let waitParent = jQuery(document.createElement('div')).attr('id', 'waitParent').append(waitPanel); jQuery('div.checkout').prepend(waitParent); } return; }, false);


An error has occurred


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